Happy New Year to all and to all a goodnight...I'm SO tired!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas was really great! It was so wonderful to be able to stay home together and no have to rush every which way. We woke up at about 7:15am and went in the living room to open presents. Claire saw her kitchen and starting playing. I told Kev the night before that once she saw the kitchen she wouldn't want to open anything else. I was wrong though. She LOVED to open all her presents! From Kev and I she got a kitchen, soccer ball, soccer goal, a couple books, and Cinderella. Danita got Claire a Tickle me Elmo. She loves it! She tickles him all the time. She treats him like a baby too. She tries to put a diaper on him, but then he won't work.
Kev likes all his presents also. I'm very proud of myself. He's so hard to buy for, but I did really good. I made him believe he wasn't getting speaker, but he did. He also got a drill bit set, an Outback Steakhouse gift card, an electric razor, a wii game, and a little coupon book I made him that has stuff like free diaper duty for 2 days in it. He also got a dart board. There's a cute story behind it. Claire and I were in Wal-Mart shopping when she saw the dart board and said, "Get that for Daddy for Christmas." I brought her down the isle that has the Christmas gifts for like $5-$20 and showed her all the different presents. She stuck with the dart board.
I got a lot of jewelry. I love jewelry. I got a set of white pearls, pink pearls, and a set of fresh water pearls (black ones). I also got 2 pretty bracelets, a nice watch and a workout watch, some new head phones for my mp3 player, and 2009 calendar.
Mom got Claire a drum and a baby doll set. It has a high chair, stroller, carrier, and a diaper bag in it. Mom gave Kev and I a gift card. She was too generous with that. I told her not to give us much. We appreciate it though. With Kev's money he got a stationary workout bike. I got a pretty jewelry armoire.
So after gifts we got to cooking. My mom, brother, and two sisters came for Christmas Dinner. My dad had to work. :( We had a lot of fun chilling with family, and having a relaxing day. My brother, his wife, and their son were going to come also but Claire had a wet cough and a runny nose. With Ashlei's low white count due to her cancer she doesn't have much of an immune system. They weren't able to come. We missed them.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mom's Birthday
My mom's birthday was on the 21st. It was also my brother in law's and my sister in law's dad's birthday. It was a lot of fun. Emelie and I are the ones that pretty much planned it. I few months ago I ordered Mom a Mother's Ring. She has wanted one for a long time. It's so pretty! Sunday Kev and I left here about 9am and drove to mom's house. We decorated her house and drove to Woodville for church to surprise her. I think she was surprised with all the decorations that we did. She loved her ring, and I'm so glad! It was a great day! Heber, Ashlei, and Jace also surprised her by showing up. It was really cool to see Jace and Claire interact and play together. They enjoyed each other.
Mom's Ring
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 2:33 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Baby Anna
I finally remembered to ask Misty for permission to put Baby Anna's pictures on here. I've been watching her since mid August when she was about 6 weeks old. I can't believe she's already 5 1/2 months. She's so sweet, such a good baby!! Her name is Gianna, but when Claire saw her she started calling her Baby Anna. After that it sorta stuck. That's what everyone calls her now I think.
You know when kids are little they have to have 2 pieces of food, one for each hand. Well, Claire has to have 4; one for Daddy, one for Mommy, one for Claire, and one for Baby Anna. It's too cute!
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 7:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Kev had to leave before Claire and I got to play in the snow so I wrote him a message on my car. :) Kev woke me up at 6am when he was leaving for work to see the snow. I love snow. I'm super excited! So, I went and woke Claire, bundled her up, and brought her outside to see the snow. When we got outside Claire asked where Frosty the Snowman was. LOL She didn't like the snow at first. She said it was too cold outside and that she wanted to go in the house. It was just because it was so early. I brought her outside an hour later and she LOVED it! She played around in the snow and had a lot of fun. She loves it!
Yes, I'm like a kid...
Now that's an UGLY snowman.
My hands
It's so beautiful!
Yay! I'm so happy that Claire was able to experience this, and that I have a camera to capture it. It definitely makes our "first" Christmas better!
I know. I brought her right back in to put a jacket on her!
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 7:20 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What a Busy Month!
-December 9-Ward Christmas Party
-December 10-Candle Party at Stacey's
-December 12-Williamson Christmas Musical W/families
-December 14-Church w/ first ward at 10:30am because of the Williamson Christmas Musical for the public
-The contractor that is fixing our house should be here the week of the 15th to work
-December 19-Flowserve Office Christmas Party
-December 20-Kim's graduation & Christmas w/ Fruge's
-December 21-Go to Spurger for Mom's birthday & Tristan Hargraves' Open House
-December 24-Dinner at Darrellyn's
-December 25 Christmas!!
Christmas Plans
For Christmas we have decided to stay home!! I'm so excited. We don't care if people come to our house, but we will be going NOWHERE!! I'm excited and nervous about cooking Christmas dinner. I have never had to cook a dinner for a holiday. I'm looking forward to doing it though. I like to cook. I think we're going to have Ham, Dressing, Green Bean Casserole, Rolls, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Veggies and Dip, and for dessert I'm not sure. All I know is that we are having Cherry Cobbler. It's awesome!!
I'm mainly excited about Claire experiencing Christmas. This is the first year that she knows who Santa is. Kev and I bought her the Christmas Classics on DVD. It has Frosty the Snowman and Frosty Returns, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, The Little Drummer Boy, and a bunch more. This is also our first Christmas. Well, it's our 4th Christmas, but this is the first year that we have been able to actually buy for one another. It feels awesome to be able to buy Kev and Claire things. It actually feels like Christmas in our house. These past years it hasn't because there hasn't been presents under the tree Christmas morning.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 4:10 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It's been awhile since I have posted, hasn't it? Thanksgiving went well. Kev and I both had a head cold. We decided to go to my family's because last year we went to the Frugé's. I don't spend enough time with my family anyways. Plus, I NEEDED my dad's dressing. It's the best in the world, and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can top it. It just sux that I only get it once a year. Oh well, it's worth it! We had fun talking and playing. At about 5-6pm Kev said he had a bad headache so we left.
That morning, before he headed to Spurger, during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade we put up the tree. It was awesome to do that as a family. Even Claire was helping. I would take the ornaments out of the box and put a hanger thing on them, and then Claire was bring them to Kev to put on the tree. I'll post a pic soon.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 3:08 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Day at the Temple
Kari & Matt were sealed Saturday at 8am. Since the sealing was so early we decided to get a hotel for Friday night. We invited my mom to go to be Claire's Nanny while we were in the temple. It was great to spend that time with her. I don't spend enough time with my family. Friday we got to the hotel at about 4pm. At 7pm we went to dinner with with the McCallon's and Frugé's at Fuddruckers. Claire had a blast playing with the games.
Claire was super excited about seeing the temple. We show her pictures all the time. That whole week we were telling her that on Saturday she would get to see the temple. She talked about it constantly. Saturday was really good. The sealing was great. It was really cold though. Add that with my having a head cold, and it wasn't good. I tried to keep a smile on my face. The good thing about having the sealing so early was that I think we stopped at only 4 lights on all of FM 1960. We have never done that good!
The sealing and reception was awesome. Kari looked gorgeous, and Matt was very handsome. I hope it was a perfect day for them.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 10:38 AM 3 comments
3 Years Down... an Eternity to Go
On November 19 Kevin and I were married for 3 years. It's been great! It hasn't been perfect, but I wouldn't change anything.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Signs of the Last Days
At Ladies' Night this month my friends were telling me about these pictures. It is hard to believe since I'm not in the middle of it that this is going on in the world. It was so sad to see these pictures. The picture of the family walking into church breaks my heart. It stinks that these people have to go through this. I'm so thankful that I have a strong testimony of the gospel, and that seeing all this doesn't waver that at all. I pray for the members there for the strength to get through this time.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 9:36 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Kevin and I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the temple on Saturday. Kevin's little sister Kari went to get her work done because she will be getting married on November 22. It was wonderful. I am ashamed/saddened to say that I do not go as often as I should or want. It was a great bonding experience for the Frugé family to almost all be able to be together on such a special occasion for Kari.
We were able to ride to Houston with Grammer and Grumps (Kev's grandparents). We stopped at the book store before we went to the temple and picked up some books for Claire for Christmas. Grammer also got her some books.
After the temple Grammer, Grumps, Kevin, and myself went to eat. Then we made the 2 hour drive home. We had a great time with no real bumps in the road. We need to go more often.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sick & Tired...again!
After Claire got sick Monday and Tuesday I got sick. Thursday night I felt weird. I wasn't nauseous I just knew that I was going to get sick. Well sure enough the next morning about 9am the diarrhea and nausea started. I was so mad because it was Halloween, and Kev and I were going to take Claire trick or treating for the first time. Also, my in-laws always make chili dogs and frito pie on Halloween, and I was looking forward to that! I pushed through the fatigue and got Claire dressed in her Princess Aurora costume, fixed her hair, and put on her crown. I had to rest after that so Kev put her shoes on her.
We drove to Mid-County and stopped by Phil Bill's house, a friend of Kevin's at work. Before we left the house we practiced with Claire for about 5-10 minutes about how to open her bag and say trick or treat. She did so good at home and in the car, but when we got to Phil's house she got shy and told me to say it. After that we hit a couple more people's houses and went to Nick and Danita's place to visit. By that time I was feeling better so I made the mistake of eating some frito pie and a hot dog. About 10 minutes later I was in the bathroom! :( So I think Claire was a little too young to trick or treat this year, but next year she should do good.
You know when somebody in the family gets sick all of the family has to have a turn, right? I think that takes sharing a little too far. Anyway, so Monday Kev stayed home from work because he had a horrible headache and blurry vision. Then Monday night at about 11pm he started throwing up and having diarrhea. He was more sick than Claire or me. He was sick nonstop for 12 hours. We called Kev's uncle and grandpa to come at about 1am to give him a blessing. We then called Danita to come just in case I had to take Kevin to the ER. We didn't want to have to wake Claire up. Finally at 10:30 I was able to give Kevin some Fenergan that his doctor called in for him. After that he was able to sleep. It knocked him out pretty good. He's doing a lot better now. He's just really tired and sore from laying in bed for so long. He also bit his tongue at some point and it's pretty swollen in one spot. When Danita left yesterday she took Claire for the day and later decided that Claire was going to spend the night over there. She came home today saying that she had fun with D, Aunt Squirt, and Aunt Kim. I'm glad she was able to spend some time over there and that she had fun.
I spent today DEEP cleaning my house. I washed walls, fans, and even vacuumed the ceiling in the living room. I don't want any of us to get sick again. I also don't want Gianna to get sick when I watch her tomorrow.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 4:12 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sick & Tired
No not me... Claire. So Monday night at 5pm or 6pm Kev was in our bed, I was on the computer, and Claire was playing next to me on the floor. All the sudden Claire looks up at me and says, "Mommy, my tummy hurts." The next thing we heard was Claire blowing out her diaper. She had diarrhea. So I took her in the living room and cleaned her up. Then she was completely fine. She was singing and dancing, being herself. Not 10 minutes later, however, she came up to me again and said, "Mommy, my tummy hurts." She had another blow out. Poor baby. So yet again, I changed her, and she felt fine.
About 2 hours later Kev and I were laying in bed while Claire was on the floor playing. All the sudden she looked pale so I told her to climb on the bed and lay with Daddy. Once she got up there Kev needed a drink. (thank goodness, or I would have cleaned up 2 messes!) Once he was in the kitchen Claire sat up really fast, eyes wide, and said again that her tummy hurt. 2 seconds later she vomited all over our bed, herself, and me. This was Claire's first big girl throw up. Little baby throw up in NOTHING compared to big girl's. So we cleaned up all the mess (yes even Kevin helped. I was very proud of him!) while Claire was in our bath. She, again, was fine after she got out of the bath. She was playing and dancing. I wanted her to be still so Kev set Claire up on the air mattress in the living room, and I put in Sleeping Beauty. About thirty minutes later Kev and I were in our clean bed about to go to sleep when Kev heard Claire coughing and then throw up again! This time when I got her out of the bath she was so tired she couldn't even stand up so that I could dry her off.
I got up every hour that night to check up on her. She did vomit again at about 4am, but she hasn't since. Tuesday I gave her pedialyte and saltine crackers all day. She's doing really good now, happy as a clam!
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 10:18 AM 4 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Claire's Halloween Outfit
I asked Claire what she wanted to be for Halloween a few weeks ago, and she told me Snow White. Which is funny to begin with because she has never even seen the movie Snow White! Anyway, so while I was in San Antonio at the mall I went to the Disney Store. Guess what?? They were sold out of Snow White. Apparently Snow White is very popular. The CSR said that all the Disney Stores in the area were sold out of the Snow White costume.
So I went ahead and got her Sleeping Beauty. I figured she would like that just as much since she watches Sleeping Beauty all the time. So I showed her the costume on Sunday, and she started to trip out because she wanted to wear it. Daddy and I let her try it on, and she didn't want to take it off! It took a lot of bribing. I think I made a good choice.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 4:28 PM 5 comments
Time Out For Women
It was great! I picked Grammer up at her house and got to Danita's at about 8:30am. I believe we were on the road by 9am. We stopped at the Katy Mills Mall for a potty break and some food. We got back on the road and got to the Hyatt Place, our hotel, at about 4:30pm or sometime close to that. We all decided to go to the Friday night Conference except for Grammer. I'm glad I went because Sister Chieko Okazaki's talk was great. Michael McLean was brilliant!! I enjoyed him so much!
Saturday we got up and loaded the car and set out the 2 blocks to the convention center (on foot, which I enjoyed). We took an early lunch break and while we were walking toward the riverwalk and the mall, we met one of the presenters, Jason Wright. He is a really nice man. We enjoyed chatting with him for a few minutes and took a picture with him. He noticed that we were skipping out earlier and told us to make sure we were back by 2:30 to listen to him. We made sure we were back in time! I also talked with Hilary Weeks and Sister Okazaki.
I got home at about 11pm on Saturday night. Kev waited up for me. He surprised me with some beautiful new earrings, a necklace, and a watch. I guess he missed me! It's nice to know.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 3:37 PM 2 comments