Sunday, December 6, 2009
Hospital Continued...
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 4:30 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Busy Bees
It's been really busy in our house the past couple weeks. Last Sunday (Nov. 8) we all woke up sick. I felt better within a few days, but Kev seemed to get worse and worse each day. We brought him to the doctor on Tuesday where they diagnosed him with the Flu. They didn't test for which type of flu (reg., H1N1, etc.) so they treated him like it was the worse (H1N1-swine). Then to make things worse he woke up Friday throwing up. We called the doc and she said that she thought the vomiting was separate. So now Kev had an ear infection, the flu, and a 24 hour stomach virus. He finally felt better on Saturday (Nov. 14) after over $100 in prescriptions later! Thank goodness because I had to take care of EVERYTHING while he was in quarantine (our bedroom) away from the kids and myself.
To back track to Wednesday (Nov. 11), I noticed Lindon had a little bit of blood in his stool. He stool had been green and mucus for a couple days before that. I called Dr Worley and was scheduled to bring Lindon in the next morning to see Dr Hubbell (Dr Worley was off Thursday). Dr Hubbell looked Lindon over, took a stool sample to send off to the lab, and referred us to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist, Dr Alaswad. Monday we had an appt with Dr Alaswad, who thought it was an allergy and told me not to eat diary, eggs, soy, nuts, beef, and one more thing. (I can't remember the last one.) On Tuesday night (Nov. 17) around 6pm I got a phone call from Dr Hubbell saying that the stool cultures came back and were positive for Salmonella. He called in a prescription of Amoxicillin which I picked up around 10 on Wednesday morning. Not an hour later I got a call from Dr Worley saying that he had talked to the CDC and a doctor with a background in Infectious Diseases, and they all said that since Lindon is under 3 months old (he's 2.5 months) he had to get the antibiotics intravenously.
Before we headed to the hospital he wanted to see Lindon in his office. I called my sis to come get Claire, and I packed some clothes for all of us. We saw Dr Worley around 3:45pm, and he sent us to Baptist Hospital around 4pm with our admit papers. We got there at 4 and weren't even registered until 5:30pm. As soon as we were put into our room they took Lindon to the exam room to get vitals, measurements, and the IV started. (He hated that!) He did good though.
So we've been here since Wednesday evening and will be here for 7-10 days. He first stool culture they did here at the hospital came back negative, but Dr Ezeki (the infectious disease doc) said it was pretty normal to get a negative with one sample and a positive with another.
If all this wasn't enough they came in around 11pm last night and said that his blood culture tested positive for gram-negative. This either means that the Salmonella has spread to the blood stream or the culture was contaminated. We should know in a day or two when the results come back.
My poor little man! He's a trooper though. He doesn't even look sick. He's smiling, laughing, and is a happy camper. He's giving all the nurses "baby fever". haha We love our little Lindon so much and are praying that he gets better soon without any complications. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and we will try to keep everyone posted!
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 10:42 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A Blog Thing
I was tagged by Heather so... I have to list 10 100% honest things about myself and then pass it on to 7 of my faithful blog readers...if I have that many.
Numero Uno. You know how people say "I would give anything to be a kid again." Well, NOT ME! I love being an adult. When I was a kid I knew about hard times in my family and felt helpless cause I was a kid. Now as an adult, when things get bad, I have the power to do something about it.
Numero Dos. I don't like to read. This sounds bad, but I don't even like to read scriptures. Don't get me wrong I love the scriptures. I just don't like to read them. I will listen to them on tape or being read to me.
Numero Tres. I hate to exercise. I only do it because I have bad genes on both sides, and I don't want to be unhealthy.
Numero Cuatro. My biggest fear is to lose one of my family members, whether it be one of my children or my husband. I drive my INSANE thinking about things that could happen and thinking of ways how I would save them if something were to happen. Like if a fire broke out in our house, or if we drove into water, etc. Crazy, huh?
Numero Cinco. One of my biggest pet peeves is putting empty candy wrappers back in the bag with the other candy. I know, stupid. haha I hate reaching into a bag of candy and pulling out all these empty wrappers!
Numero Seis. I hate to be volunteered for things. If you want me to do something, ask me! Don't ask my husband, my mom, or anyone else!! ASK ME!! And if I tell you no, deal with it...
Numero Siete. I want to be a doctor. I probably won't be one in this life, but that is one of my dreams.
Numero Ocho. I love TV. I've heard it was unhealthy to watch a lot of TV. I guess I'm unhealthy. I have my certain shows that I like to watch though. The CSI's, House, Burn Notice, Amazing Race, Bones, Medium, American Idol(now that Ellen is a judge. I love her! She's so funny.)
Numero Nueve. I hate to fold and put away clothes. It's my most hated chore. I don't mind sorting, washing, and drying if someone else will fold, hang, and put away. :)
Numero Diez. I like to change my hair color a lot. I think my favorite was black though. I might go with black next appt with Tiffany. :)
I'm done. That was harder than I thought! Now I'm suppose to tag 7 people...
Caroline Shillig
Becky Mahana
Betty Odom
Jennifer Hadley
Kari McCallon
Meg Barry
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 4:53 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween & Smiles
I asked Claire what she wanted to be for Halloween a few weeks ago, and to my suprise she said a ballerina. I didn't know she even knew what a ballerina was. So I was going to buy her a costume one, but I saw real ballet outfits at Target a few months back and decided to buy her those. I have been wanting to put her in ballet classes but it's so expensive. After seeing her in the ballerina outfit though I will spend the money. She looked SO cute and LOVED to dance like a ballerina!
I tried to find a costume for Lindon, but he is too small. All the costumes are 0-6 months and were huge! Kev wanted him to be a vampire, but we had to settle with baseball player. I had the outfit in his closet and thought it looked close enough like a uniform to work.
On Halloween we went to the Williamson Tri-Ward party. It was fun. Claire had fun playing with her cousins Jace and Kenna and trick or treating. I had invited my parents to come and after the party we all went back to our place and chilled.
Lindon started smiling on Oct 15 and laughing on Oct 22 and hasn't stopped since! I love after he wakes up for the day. After I feed him he's super happy for about 2 hours before he takes his first nap of the day. He laughs and smiles the whole 2 hours! All a person has to do is look at him, and he loves it!
Claire loves the interaction. She can't wait until he can play with her. He loves his big sister too. All she has to do is talk. Even if she's in another room, and Lindon hears her he will smile! He smiled at Claire before he would smile at Kev and me.
Lindon's just now smiling at Kev. It's so funny. I would have Lindon smiling and laughing and as soon as Kev looked at him he would stop. haha It drove Kev crazy. He would say all the time that Lindon hated him. I just had to tell Kev that Lindon is around Claire and I all day and that he's not. We've paid our dues now he has to! haha
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 8:58 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Galvaston Island
Thursday Kevin knew he would reach 40 hrs at his job on Friday around 10am so we spontaneously decided to go on a family weekend vacation. I have been wanting to go to Moody Gardens for a long time so that's where we decided to go. We drove up through Winnie so Claire could experience riding on the Ferry. I enjoyed it too. :) Kevin, not so much. He was too worried about getting pooped on by seagulls, which he almost did! HaHa
We then headed to Moody Gardens. Claire LOVED the penguins, and Mommy loved the sharks! :) We also went to the 3D iMax and saw Whales and Dolphins. Claire did really good until the humpback whale swam toward her. She watched the rest of the movie without the 3D glasses! Later Lindon and I watched the Sharks movie while Daddy and Claire played on the playground and went to the Aquarium again.
That night we went to the Rainforest Cafe. We prepped Claire before we went in because we knew she would freak out as soon as the animals went off. We told her if she did good and didn't cry then she could pick out a toy after we ate. She did really good. She started to cry once when all the animals went off and it thundered, but I just reminded her that she could get a toy if didn't cry. She was fine after that. Saturday we went back to Moody Gardens and went to the Aquarium, watched some more movies, and rode on the Colonel, the paddle boat.
We stayed another night and went to my Aunt Dale and Uncle Joe's house on Sunday. They live in Texas City which is about 30 minutes from Galvaston. We got there about 9:30 am, hung out, ate lunch, and left about 2:30pm. We had a great time. It was nice to just sit around and catch up.
The weekend was a lot of fun. The kids did SO good! Lindon was an angel, and Claire really enjoyed it. Hopefully we can go back in the summer when the Rain forest Pyramid and Discovery is open. They were closed for renovation.
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 3:12 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Lindon's Blessing
Lindon was blessed this past Sunday, September 27. My cousin made his blessing outfit. She also made Claire's. She's so talented. It turned out great! He looked precious. Some things that were said:
-blessed with health and strength
-understanding between right and wrong and always have the desire to choose right
-have compassion for others
-be a loving brother and son
-find opportunities to serve and help others
-have a desire to serve a mission
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 1:49 PM 6 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Getting so big
I can't believe Lindon is already 3 weeks old. Time flies by so quickly! He's such a good baby. He only cries when he's hungry. He sleeps 3-4 hour time intervals at night, wakes up to eat for 20-30 minutes, and goes back to sleep. Breastfeeding is going great! I'm so glad. Claire was a disaster when it came to breastfeeding.
Claire is going great as a big sister. She has moments when she wants me to put him down and hold her. I don't mind that though. She's very protective of him. If someone is hold him and walks away with him she tells me to go get him. We ask her periodically if she wants us to bring him back to the hospital, and she says "no way José!" haha
Lindon had his 2 week appt last Thursday with Dr Worley. At birth he weighed 5 lbs 8.2 oz and came home at 5 lbs 2 oz and was 17.5 inches long. At his appt he weighed 6 lbs 13 oz and was 19.5 inches long! He's growing so fast!
The Boys
Claire "Helping"
SO Cute!
How he was in the womb
Church outfit he wore to his first day at church (sacrament only) :)
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 9:36 AM 7 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor and Delivery
Okay, so there was no labor. Well, maybe labored breathing because I was so nervous! ;) I guess I'll start with my 39 week appointment on Tuesday.
So Tuesday I went to my appointment. I was actually 38 weeks and 4 days (menstrual due date) or 37 weeks and 6 day (ultrasound due date). My appointment was in the afternoon so that Kevin could be there with me. When Dr Long checked me he said that the foot was RIGHT there on my cervix, and that I was definitely dilating. So we decided to go ahead and schedule the c-section because we determined he wasn't going to flip head down. So we scheduled it for the next day at 12:30pm. I had to head right over to the hospital to do pre-surgery labs and get some of my tags on my arm.
We didn't have to be at the hospital for the c-section until 10am on Wednesday so we decided to go back home and sleep there (we were planning on sleeping at my in-law's the night before). It was hard to sleep that night. I finally went to bed at about 2am and Kevin and I were up the same morning by 5am. It was okay though because it gave me a few hours to get some last minute things done. We had a few errands to get done that morning before we headed to the hospital. We had to go to Kev's Flowserve office and drop off some things. We then had to fill the car with gasoline and drop Claire off with Danita where she works. Claire did really good. Nick and Danita had gotten her a new princess back pack with some toys, snacks, and books in it. She was pretty excited about that. :)
We then headed over to Wal-Mart so that I could get Claire a present from her new baby brother. I've been planning on doing that so that she doesn't feel left out and has a good feeling towards Lindon. We bought her the movie Cars and some little toy cars from the movie. When I watch my nephew Claire and him fight over his little toy cars and she loves the movie. It's a fitting gift from a little brother, wouldn't you say? :)
After we got to the hospital we went straight up to Labor and Delivery. I changed into the sexy hospital gown, got an IV, and they hooked Lindon up to monitors.
About 2 hours later the nurse brought Kev his clothes and Dr Long came in about 30 minutes after that to check on me.
Kev and I then walk to the OR. He had to wait outside with I got my spinal done. Right before they started the surgery they brought him in. They started at 12:49pm and Lindon was here 5 minutes later at 12:54pm. It was so surreal to have a baby like that. He was so tiny.
After they cleaned him up and suctioned him out a bit they brought him to Kev so that I could see him. Kevin then had to leave me and go to the nursery with Lindon. About 30 minutes later I was all stitched up and in the recovery room. In the room they told me that he weighed 5 lbs 8.2 oz and 17.5 inches long. So tiny!! I had to stay in the recovery room for about 30 minutes but was then brought to my room.
Not too much later they brought Lindon in so that I could try to breastfeed him. He latched on good, but he wasn't really interested in eating. I only got to see him for about 5 minutes because they had take bathe him and get his vitals.
A couple hours later he was brought back to me all clean and smelling good! Claire loved him. She held him a couple times and wanted to touch him all the time. She also loved her "big sister" gift that Lindon got her.
The first day wasn't too bad for me. I was just really sore because I was in bed all day without being able to move. The next day, Thursday, I was able to have my catheter removed at around 7am. After that I was able to get up, walk around, and take a shower. It felt SO GOOD to be able to walk around and take a shower. Lindon also was good in the hospital. The fist day he lost 2.1 oz puting him at 5 lbs 6.1 oz, and the second day lost another 4.1 oz puting him at 5 lbs 2 oz when we came home. Wednesday morning I was ready to go home.
Since I had been doing so good the my nurse talk to Dr Long about letting me go home. He said that was fine, he just had to circumcize Lindon. Lindon then had to pee again before they would let us go. Dr Long did the procedure at about 8am and he didn't pee until about 3:30pm. After that it was all down hill, and we were out of there by 5pm!
I feel so much better here at home, both physically and mentally. I seem to be able to get up easier and am in way less pain. We are so happy and blessed!
Posted by Sarah Fruge at 7:50 AM 7 comments