Thursday Kevin knew he would reach 40 hrs at his job on Friday around 10am so we spontaneously decided to go on a family weekend vacation. I have been wanting to go to Moody Gardens for a long time so that's where we decided to go. We drove up through Winnie so Claire could experience riding on the Ferry. I enjoyed it too. :) Kevin, not so much. He was too worried about getting pooped on by seagulls, which he almost did! HaHa
We then headed to Moody Gardens. Claire LOVED the penguins, and Mommy loved the sharks! :) We also went to the 3D iMax and saw Whales and Dolphins. Claire did really good until the humpback whale swam toward her. She watched the rest of the movie without the 3D glasses! Later Lindon and I watched the Sharks movie while Daddy and Claire played on the playground and went to the Aquarium again.
That night we went to the Rainforest Cafe. We prepped Claire before we went in because we knew she would freak out as soon as the animals went off. We told her if she did good and didn't cry then she could pick out a toy after we ate. She did really good. She started to cry once when all the animals went off and it thundered, but I just reminded her that she could get a toy if didn't cry. She was fine after that. Saturday we went back to Moody Gardens and went to the Aquarium, watched some more movies, and rode on the Colonel, the paddle boat.
We stayed another night and went to my Aunt Dale and Uncle Joe's house on Sunday. They live in Texas City which is about 30 minutes from Galvaston. We got there about 9:30 am, hung out, ate lunch, and left about 2:30pm. We had a great time. It was nice to just sit around and catch up.
The weekend was a lot of fun. The kids did SO good! Lindon was an angel, and Claire really enjoyed it. Hopefully we can go back in the summer when the Rain forest Pyramid and Discovery is open. They were closed for renovation.
1 year ago