I am a HORRIBLE blogger. Please forgive me!!! Here is a brief run down of that has happened these past 7 months. :)
July- I had surgery on my hip. OUCH! I've had issues for a while, and it got so bad that I finally had to do something about it. After going to a few doctors I was sent to Lake Charles to see a Dr. that specializes in the surgery I needed (hip scope). He ended up finding that I had a messed up femoral head that he had to shave down, a labrum tear he anchored, a messed up tendon he removed, and a mass. After some tests we found out the mass was not cancerous. Phew!! 6 months later, and I still have some problems with it, but it's much better than before. I just have to get used to my "new normal" as Dr. Cascio calls it.
This is Dr. Cascio
August- Claire turned 5!!! AHHH!! I CAN'T believe I have a 5 year old. Well, 5 going on 15! :( She is such a sweet little girl, very compassionate towards her brother. I love when she talks to him with her "baby" voice. It's SO cute! She loves to sing and dance.
-Claire also started Kindergarten!! She loves it! Her teacher, Mrs. Floyd, is wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better person to help raise my daughter. Let's face it teachers see our kids more than we do in a day!! I'm not happy about it, but it's the law. Anyway, she loves that she can read. Yes, I said it. My 5 year old kindergartener can pretty much sound out any word... I am SO proud of her!
September- Lindon turned 2! He's SUCH a funny boy! He lives to make people laugh. Don't let that sweet smile and boyish good looks fool you though! He can be a MONSTER!! haha He's into EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING goes in is mouth. Anything he touches turns into a broken mess, but I wouldn't change anything. He's so sweet to Claire. He already looks up to her and wants to do everything she is doing. (Which annoys her to no end most of the time!) My favorite thing that Lindon does now is use his "big boy voice". When he is trying to be apart of a group or be "serious" he will talk in a very deep voice. HAHA It is SO cute!The Holidays- Oh the holidays... So bittersweet! I love spending time with my family and my in-laws. Yes, I love my in-laws. They are awesome, fun people that I really enjoy hanging out with. My apologies if you don't have good in-laws. Anyway, I love the company, food, and of course reflecting on why we are celebrating in the first place. However, the stress I could do without. Most of that is just me and my worry-wort self though. I am constantly stressing over what gift to buy whom and so on.
The kids had a really good Christmas. Claire got a barbie styling head, some DS games, Squinkies, movies, etc. Lindon got all things Buzz Lightyear this year. He got a plush Buzz to sleep with, a 12" talking Buzz, Buzz sheets, Buzz tent, etc.
We also went to the Lufkin Zoo the day before school started back. Lindon had been begging for days to see elephants. He would bring his toy elephant to me or Kev and say "see elepant". He can't quite say the f sound. :)
1 year ago