Claire & Mommy

My little Model

She is so pretty!

We are having a little family birthday party for Claire on Sunday at 3pm. Claire has decided she wants a Blue's Clues party! She's been calling people and telling them to come to her Blue's Clues Party. It's so cute! Last year we did a BIG first birthday party for a kid that won't ever remember it. So we decided to just do little family parties until our kids are 5. Our families are so big though. Even though we are just inviting our families it is still at least 30 people! It will be a tight fit in our little house, but it will be okay. We are going to have a cookout. Kev's grilling hamburgers and hot dogs, and I'm going to try to bake Claire a pretty cake. (We'll see how that one turns out!) I'm looking forward to it. I can't believe she will be 2 in one week! That's crazy.
She is such a blessing. She says prayers all by herself. She is a good example to me. We will sit down for lunch, and she will fold her arms and say, "Prayer Mommy!". She keeps us in line! Last night Claire and I were sitting down for dinner while Kev was in our room listening to music, and Claire yelled at Kev, "Daddy we say prayer now!". It blows my mind that at 2 she knows that you have to be quiet and reverent during prayer.
She also knows who Jesus is. When she sees a picture of him she will yell out "JESUS!" It's too cute! She knows what a temple is also. She was coloring a picture this morning, and when she was done she brought it to me and said, "Look Mommy. I color a temple." It melted me heart. I must be doing something right, I guess!
My brother called me a couple days ago, and asked if it would be okay if we watched my nephew, Jace, for awhile so that Heber could spend time with his wife, Ashlei. Of course we said yes! It would be good for Claire and Jace to spend a few weeks together. Jace is really shy and quiet so hopefully Claire can help bust him out of his shell, and Claire needs to learn how to share big time! It will be fun for them. Jace is just 3 weeks younger than Claire. Kev and I have been looking for a toddler bed for him. I think Kev wants to get him a Transformers bed.
Claire is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I can't believe she is getting so big and about to be 2!!! We need to get our girls together and play!!
That would be so much fun. We should hook up soon!!
I think the model one is my favorite!
I love the model pic! She's gorgeous!
Wonderful get together for Claire Bear's birthday! She is beautiful and precious, and so are you. I love you - Mom
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