As I said before we were planning on giving Claire a Blue's Clues party for her birthday. So Kev and I went to Party City on Friday before we had to bowl. We get there and there is no Blue's Clues stuff anywhere. I asked one of the CSR and she said that all the Blue's Clues stuff was on clearance today, and one lady came in and bought the entire shelf. Not cool... So Kev and I went to Wal-Mart to see if they had any. NOPE! I was so upset and heart broken at the thought of telling Claire that she couldn't have a Blue's Clues party. We changed it to Dora and bought some stuff just right there at Wal-Mart. Party City had way more things, but we didn't feel like going back up Dowlen in rush hour traffic. (It was 5pm or so)
It turned out good though. Claire didn't mind that we changed it too much. I kept telling her she was going to have a Dora party over and over again, and finally she would say Dora party instead of Blue's Clues party. We had a lot of fun. All Claire's cousins were there except for her cousin, Jace. We walked by a picture of Jace, and Claire asked me where Jace was once. It was cool that she new he wasn't there, and she missed him. Kev did really good cooking the meat and our families helped us out and brought baked beans and potato salad.
I spent Saturday night making Claire's cake. The Blue's Clues cake would have been easier I think, but the Dora cake actually turned out okay. I bought a oval cake pan that was sort of shaped like Dora's head. One side was chocolate and the other was white. Then I got some food coloring and free handed Dora's head onto it with icing.
Claire got a lot of presents. She got books, 2 Princess movies (yesterday alone we watched The Little Mermaid 4 times and Princess Enchanted Tales 5 times), some puzzles, a Dora wall hanging that you can put book in, a cash register that Claire takes EVERYWHERE, a baby doll pack-n-play, and much more. Thank you everyone for coming!
Looks like a great party! I'm sure she'll remember this one. That cake looks YUMMY!!
Happy Birthday Claire!!
Looks likes she had fun at her party, Happy birthday Claire!
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