Claire watching "Enchanted" in the bed

Even Daddy went swimming!

After swimming

We ended up going to Temple, Texas. It's about 35 minutes South of Waco and an hour or so North of Austin. After being here for only a few days I already know my way around this city. It's about the size of Beaumont. We've kinda made it into a mini vacation. We've been swimming and going to the mall. I actually don't want it to end. I've just started to enjoy myself now that I know my house should be okay. We are leaving at about 9am of 10am tomorrow to make the 5 1/2 hours drive back. It would be a little shorted, but we took all the back roads up so that we didn't hit any traffic, which we didn't. No traffic at all! I hope everyone and their things are okay.
Hope you guys made it back okay. It was a nice mini vacation. We enjoyed our time away too... I like your new profile pic. Claire is such a cutie pie!
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