The weather in Temple

Chillin in the bed

Finally at the hotel!

It was a long drive!

We are back in Temple. I'm really starting to like it. I know where everything is. We were even going to go to a football game last night, but Claire has a runny nose so we figured the night air wouldn't be good for her. Good thing we didn't go because I woke up with a wicked sore throat and a runny nose myself. I've been slinging back Advil Cold & Sinus every 4 hours! We took a nap this afternoon so I feel a little better.
We got word from Grammer (Kev's grandma) that our house is fine. About 2/3 of our skirting is off, and we have some siding missing. Other than that we are good. Andy (Kev's uncle) went into the house and said he didn't find any water in the house. It's SUCH a relief! We were worried like crazy. Down Grammer's road there are trailers that lost their roofs, Kev's cousin's water pump was destroyed when a tree fell on it, and Grammer's window in her living room blew out so water got into the house. Hearing all this put us more on edge! I want to get back and get us back into our schedules and routines. Claire doesn't do well when she's out of her routine. This time has been better though. With Gustav Claire didn't take a nap the entire time, went to bed late, and woke up early. This time she has taken a nap, and I have stuck to her bedtime.
The only thing that happened here in Temple was some wind gusts and little bit of rain. Nothing bad. It was cool to stand in the wind though. I've talked to my family who stayed in Odomville. Everyone's house is okay. It could have been a lot worse. I am definately counting my blessings!!
Girl, Tim and I have colds too! Stupid Ike did it!
Hey...I teach 6th grade stuff! With the family all came here and I got more damage than they did...funny how things work!
I'm glad you're home is okay... So have you guys made it back home yet??
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