1 of the 3 water spots in Claire's room

The skirting damage

Let me explain the title of this blog. In my last post I put that we were worried about our house, and that when we found out everything was okay it felt like a weight had been lifted. Well, the day we got home the weight was put back on. We found other damage that people who had checked on our house didn't notice. We were missing quite a few shingles, almost all the skirting was messed up and off our house, a piece of siding was ripped off our house, and a tree limb that we were worried about broke off and landed on the office's sewer pipe, that runs through our yard, busting it open. (The water and sewage had been turned off a few days before the storm so no yucky mess! Thank goodness!) That's the outside damage...
We also found water spots throughout the house. Our bathroom has a few, as does the master bedroom and one in the kitchen. As I was going through the house opening windows I got to Claire's room and noticed a smell. I looked around the room and didn't think anything of it. Then Kev came in her room barefoot, and he said the floor was soaked! I then looked up and noticed 3 huge water spots on her roof! The water leaked from her light fixture, which was still filled with water.
We have insurance though. We were told that rain/wind damage was a reasonable deductible amount. Then when we went to call in the damage were told that there was a Hurricane deductible and that that amount was double what the rain/wind is. Isn't a hurricane rain and wind??? Retarded!
Which brings me to today. We have a contractor coming today to check out the damage and to give us an estimate to turn into insurance. I hope we get this all squared away soon! Having all of Claire's stuff in the nursery and disorganized is killing my OCD!
oh, I'm feeling for you! I hope all of the damage is quickly repairable...Good luck, hurricanes are very inconvenient:) By the way, I love the color of Claire's room....so cute!:)
Oh my goodness! That's terrible. I know you guys just finished remodeling too. If there's anything we can do to help, just let us know!
I have been wondering how all the bunko girls are doing. I am SO SORRY to hear about your house. And after you just did all that work! UGH! I hope it all works out and gets taken care of! Take care! Let me know if I can do anything!
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