Thursday, September 6, 2012


Fruge update with pictures. Enjoy!

 Kev had to go to Baton Rouge right before school started so the kids and I decided to go with him.
 Baton Rouge Temple :) So pretty!

 Baton Rouge Zoo

 The condor was NOT excited to see me... :(

Lindon's favorite part of the zoo. He loves elephants!

 Claire's favorite part of the zoo. The giraffes came out of the barn and one walked all the way to the canal. When we walked away it hung its head so we walked back, and it brought it's head back up to look at Claire. She wanted to take it home as a pet. :)

This is the day that made me realize Lindon was not a baby anymore. He looks so grown up!

My little man model! haha

 Kev organized a big date night for us. My parents kept the kids while we had some fun!
Me waiting for Kev to pick me up. 

 My hunk at the hotel! :)

I love this man!

our sparkling cidar

Claire's 6th birthday!
Claire and her cousin McKenna. She couldn't make it to the party so she spent a few hours at the house on Claire's birthday.

 The cake I made Lindon for his party "Cars" (in stages)

 Claire's birthday cake for her party "Brave" (in stages)

 First day of 1st grade! Lindon was NOT happy!

 LDS Family Night at the Houston Astros
 Houston Stakes primaries singing the national anthem

My 3 kids playing with Lindon's birthday present from Kev and me.



That date looks AMAZING!
and good job on those cakes!!!

Emelie Leifi said...

Okay, I'm sitting here in the school library trying to be as quiet as everyone else when a few pictures of cheezin' Lindon come up... Silence shattered! He cracks me up!

And ol' Claire Bear... What a doll! She is just absolutely GORGEOUS - and I don't think I'm being biased at all! <3

LOOOOVE those kiddos!