Thursday, January 15, 2009

It starts...

I was really hoping I would not get "morning sickness" with this pregnancy, but that didn't happen. I started feeling queasy Tuesday. It wasn't bad though. This morning I woke up and am not feeling so good. Claire and I stayed in bed until about 8:30am. I turned on cartoons for her, and I tried to get some more rest and fight back the horrible nausea feeling.

I was blessed this morning though. My Enrichment assistant called me and said that I didn't have to get out of the house and help set the church up for Enrichment night. She is going to get the Relief Society president to help her. I don't even feel like going tonight, but I have to give a power point presentation over visiting teaching. I'll probably stay for that and then leave. Maybe it won't be as bad as it was with Claire. I don't see how if could get worse than that. *knock on wood!*


Becky said...

I hope you feel better and that the nausea doesn't get any worse! That has got to be the worst part of being pregnant! I hated throwing up all the time. blah!