Thursday, January 29, 2009

First Dr's Appointment

I wouldn't really call it my first appointment though. When I got there I had to fill out all the lovely paperwork, pee in a cup :), get weighed, check blood pressure, and talk to the nurse about what prenatal vitamins I'm taking. I didn't even see the nurse practitioner. I also got my lab paperwork so that I can get those done. The nurse told me to wait a few weeks before I get them done because I'm only eight weeks.

My next appointment should be my first appointment where I will see Dr Long, who should be back from having knee surgery. Hopefully we will be able to hear the heart beat at that one. My 12 week appointment when I was pregnant with Claire we couldn't hear it. :(

On another note, I am still feeling better as long as I eat every 2 hours. That's not easy though because I'm so picky about what I eat because I'm afraid I'll get sick. What's weird is that the better I feel the more tired I get! Is that normal? I literally had to drag myself out of bed this morning at 8:30, and I'm usually up earlier than that.

This pregnancy is SO different compared to Claire's! Maybe this one's a boy! ;)We hope.


Jennifer and Brett Hadley said...

my 2nd pregnancy was different from the first and I thought we were having a boy...but nope another little girl! Who knows! I guess you will just have to wait and see :)

Sarah Fruge said...

Yeah, Kev thinks this one is another girl. I still stand by the baby being a boy...we'll see though! :)